The driving force behind our returns?

The Investec Diversified Income Fund seeks defensive returns in today’s increasingly volatile markets.

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The managers’ process starts with, and is focused on, resilient income-generating security selection, which we believe is the best way to generate defensive returns.

This bottom-up, active approach has delivered on the Fund’s defensive outcomes since inception in September 20121.

• Aims for defensive returns, driven by yield (targets 4-6% p.a., distributed monthly)

• Targets less than half the volatility of UK equities

• Seeks attractive, sustainable yield

“”We spend our time on selecting resilient, yield-generating securities with attributes aligned to the Fund’s objectives.”

John Stopford, Portfolio Manager, Investec Diversified Income Fund

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Performance targets are subject to change. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results, losses may be made. The amount of income may rise or fall. The portfolio may invest more than 35% of its assets in government securities issued or guaranteed by a permitted single state. Charges are taken from capital and may constrain future growth. Calendar year performance %: 2018: 0.4; 2017: 4.8; 2016: 5.9; 2015: 2.0; 2014: 5.3.

1Fund inception date: 03.09.12. . English language copies of the Fund’s Prospectus and Key Investor Information Documents are available from Investec Asset Management on request. Issued by Investec Asset Management which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, April 2019.