
  • 7IM targets pure value play with ‘smart passive’ range

    7IM targets pure value play with ‘smart passive’ range

    7IM has unitised its in-house smart beta approach with the launch of a range of value-focused funds investing in low-priced equities across the UK, Europe, US and emerging markets.

  • Bond valuation concerns hit record high

    Bond valuation concerns hit record high

    Bonds have hit their highest overvaluation levels for more than 14 years, according to a survey by Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

  • The unique advantages of value - Godber

    The unique advantages of value – Godber

    Mitons George Godber started out as a fund manager at arguably the worst possible time but he rode out the storm to see much better days.

  • Pricing up our obsession with valuation

    Pricing up our obsession with valuation

    Loopings, barrel rolls, corkscrews and a lot of G-forces: do you think you can handle this? So reads a spam email Ive just received from what purports to be a dream job offer for a roller coaster tester in Holland.

  • Two ways to play the shift to value

    Two ways to play the shift to value

    Chris Kitchenham discusses three ideas he is rather excited about at the moment.

  • Pa analysis valuing astra zeneca without woodford

    Pa analysis valuing astra zeneca without woodford

    The battle for AstraZeneca between Pfizer, the UK government and the existing shareholders of both companies is, as far as investors are concerned, all about its valuation - nothing more, nothing less.

  • Witan appoints two new managers to run 190m

    Witan appoints two new managers to run 190m

    Witan Investment Trust has appointed two new investment managers to run a combined global mandate of £190m as it takes a more active, value-driven approach.

  • MA activity continues to fall through Q2 2013

    MA activity continues to fall through Q2 2013

    European mergers and acquisitions dropped year on year in Q2 2012, both in terms of deal value and deal volume according to data provided by Mergermarket.

  • the return of the value investor

    the return of the value investor

    Warren Buffett obviously knows the value of his beans. His long-term record is way ahead of the competition but, following Berkshire Hathaway’s deal to buy Heinz, when will the others ketchup?

  • The fund managers balancing act

    The fund managers balancing act

    As investments have become more diverse and complicated in nature, so fund managers have grown increasingly reluctant to have their methods boxed into predefined classifications, especially with growth and value.

  • Growth value and the rise of the pragmatists

    Growth value and the rise of the pragmatists

    Theres been talk recently about a summer risk asset rally which may or not be coming to an end depending upon your perspective on the state of the US economy and the eurozones woes.

  • Value managers must keep faith

    Value managers must keep faith

    Fitch Ratings’ latest findings on the underperformance of value-oriented stock picking, published last week, have made for interesting reading but, arguably, this tells us little that we dont already know.