Martin Currie’s Osmani: How to find true value in the world’s growthiest megatrends
Three megatrends are shaping the future of markets, but capuring value in them requires more than blindly following the herd
Three megatrends are shaping the future of markets, but capuring value in them requires more than blindly following the herd
Royal London received the most ‘five crown’ ratings by fund group, while four M&G strategies were downgraded
Redwheel’s Value and Income fund manager discusses the nuances of value investing
Value investors in the UK have trumped the trend by beating growth – and the story is far from over, writes Darius McDermott
To be sub-advised by Toronto-based investment manager Beutel Goodman
Value funds are within the top 10% of all IA portfolios on alpha, volatility and performance, overtaking the previous growth winners
Fund manager Dermot Murphy and investment director Claudia Ripley have announced their exit from the asset manager
Value stocks have only underperformed over six-month periods a handful of times since the 1920s
We ran some questions past Ian Lance, co-fund manager of Temple Bar Investment Trust
Minimum volatility and quality assets best to protect against UK’s lacklustre economic environment
Concentrated portfolio with a mid-cap focus
While the market can famously remain irrational longer than investors can remain solvent, analysis suggests this growth rally is thinly supported