Stenham: Credit investors must prep for energy defaults
The downtrodden high-yield market is pricing in more trouble than anticipated, but investors should expect a wave of energy sector defaults, says Stenham Asset Management.
The downtrodden high-yield market is pricing in more trouble than anticipated, but investors should expect a wave of energy sector defaults, says Stenham Asset Management.
The healthcare sector is immersed in an “unprecedented period of structural change” which is a reflection of shifting dynamics and technologies throughout the world. But rather than being a cause for concern, Stenham Asset Management gives reasons why we should be optimistic about healthcare funds
Stenham Asset Management has unveiled two fund of hedge funds focusing on the credit and healthcare equities.
Stenham Asset Management has made two new investment team hires with a focus on global macro strategies and operational due diligence, it announced today.
Stenham Asset Management has launched a new global macro fund of hedge funds, the Stenham Helix, which joins its flagship macro fund Stenham Trading.