SLI to reopen UK Real Estate Fund next month
Standard Life Investments has announced it will reopen the suspended UK Real Estate Fund and associated feeder fund from 12 noon on Monday 17 October.
Standard Life Investments has announced it will reopen the suspended UK Real Estate Fund and associated feeder fund from 12 noon on Monday 17 October.
Standard Life Investments has become the latest asset manager to take a stand against the board of troubled retailer Sports Direct.
Sustainable yield remains a key investment theme, and the sustainability of that yield is becoming more significant, according to Standard Life Investments.
Standard Life shares were trading 4.4% higher at 332.6p despite Standard Life Investments’ highly popular Global Absolute Return Strategies fund reportedly seeing its first quarterly outflows.
Standard Life Investments announced Thursday the launch of its American Equity Income OEIC, aimed at UK retail investors.
Kames Capital has hired David Ennett to lead its high yield team.
Standard Life Investments has made changes to its global credit team following the resignation of its head of European high yield David Ennett.
The ‘smaller company paradox’ says that over the longer term, smaller company returns have outstripped those of their large-cap peers – but looking ahead this should be seen as a structural longer-term trend, not a short-term anomaly
While economic fundamentals seem solid, alarm bells are ringing in financial markets, according to Jeremy Lawson, chief economist at Standard Life Investments (SLI).
Following the global financial crisis, interest rates and bond yields saw investors broaden their demand for income by increasingly turning to equities – yet these same investors are reticent to broaden their equity search beyond their domestic market.
Equity investors want to have their cake and eat it, demanding ever-more sophistication from an increasingly selective list of funds, which gives unconstrained investing greater prominence in their hunt for the best possible risk-adjusted returns.
While there is little room for significant increase following last year’s fiscal expansion, monetary policy will continue to play a part in China.