Saba withdraws second requisition at CQS Natural Resources Growth & Income
Allowing the CQS Natural Resources board to complete a strategic review
Allowing the CQS Natural Resources board to complete a strategic review
Its nominee company did not hold sufficient shares at the time of the requisition notice
Requisition notice has been withdrawn for 60 days after “constructive discussions” between Saba and the investment trust’s board
It wants to create an open-ended version of the trust, despite the board already undergoing a strategic review
Activist investor aims to convert each trust into an open-ended vehicle to provide the option of liquidity at NAV
Saba Capital has so far failed to convince shareholders, receiving less than 2% of independent voting at each meeting
Non-Saba shareholders almost unanimously voted against the proposals at each investment trust
Amendments to company law would require platforms to opt in investors automatically to receive company information and voting rights
Outside of Saba’s shares, only 0.15% of the votes cast were in favour of Saba’s proposals to replace the trust’s board
Trusts managed by BlackRock have been assured by Saba that it would not oust and replace their boards
Results ahead of vote to remove current board at the encouragement of Saba Capital
Saba CEO confirmed the hedge fund would seek to merge trusts into a single vehicle and invest back into UK assets