Property funds warn landlords over stranded assets risk
Massive capex bill coming as most UK assets fail to meet impending EPC standards
Massive capex bill coming as most UK assets fail to meet impending EPC standards
Video: Mayfair Capital portfolio manager on why unwieldy property portfolios bring challenges on decarbonisation
Both funds have been losing money since reopening in November 2020 after Covid-induced suspension
Will the property giant be collateral damage in China’s aggressive shift towards a more stable economy?
Property Portfolio suspended in December 2019 due to liquidity issues
Last Word Research finds appetite for European and UK equities and, perhaps surprisingly, property
Asset manager has vowed not to charge fees on cash held in excess of 20%
Sanlam fund manager reflects on the £282m Real Assets fund he launched two years ago
Knight Frank offers ‘small glimmer of hope’ but portfolio remains shut due to liquidity issues
Industry body for independent valuers eases valuation guidelines on primary healthcare and long-dated income assets
It may take up to a year for the IA UK Direct Property sector to feel the full brunt of Covid-19
Schroder REITs confirm coronavirus will mess with their next NAV updates