Finbourne: Solving the liquidity problems facing pension funds
Pension funds are moving ever more into private equity, but its illiquid nature presents challenges, writes Thomas McHugh
Pension funds are moving ever more into private equity, but its illiquid nature presents challenges, writes Thomas McHugh
Investments will be made via Fidelity’s first Long-Term Asset Fund (LTAF)
Reforms will see the £360bn of assets in 86 local government pension schemes pooled into eight ‘mega funds’
Changes to capital gains tax, tax-free caps on pensions, and inheritance tax could be ‘incredibly disruptive’
Payments to increase from £169.50 to £176.45, or £9,175.40 a year
Place clients’ needs at the heart of every decision, explains SG Kleinwort Hambros’ head of UK domestic wealth planning, and everything else will fall into place
St James’s Place CIO has set about achieving the primary goal of good client outcomes through a relentless focus on transparency, advocacy and clear communication
While Keir Starmer’s government will plan to introduce a Budget Responsibility Bill
The government is channelling money towards UK companies but will investors be tempted? writes the chief proposition officer
Three fund managers share stocks that are making a difference
Sarasin & Partners portfolio manager and UK equity analyst discusses value of small caps
Portfolio Adviser speaks with CEO Joseph Pinto following the publication of the firm’s results last week