October’s top-performing funds: Equities struggle while bonds find their footing
Gold achieved strong returns as sustainability funds struggled
Gold achieved strong returns as sustainability funds struggled
Ahead of European Central Bank monetary policy meeting today (14 September)
Head of credit Jeff Boswell and co-manager Darpan Harar will continue to run the fund
Assets under management fell by 10%
Assets under management dropped by 10% to £129.3bn
He co-manages the Global Strategic Equity fund
Following fund manager Simon Brazier’s decision to leave the firm
FE Fundinfo’s roll of honour now includes 49 managers
Amid the euphoria of China’s economic re-opening, are genuine risks of another potential global wave or further Covid mutation being glossed over?
While Blackrock Gold & General was downgraded due to underperformance
Firm also hires global marketing head from Ninety One
He will step down from managing the firm’s UK alpha strategy on 31 March