Beneath the bonnet: The case for Japanese sustainability, Prada and Chipotle
Three fund managers on stocks they are excited about right now
Three fund managers on stocks they are excited about right now
While Ben Whitmore will stay on at the firm until at least the end of October
Sustainable investors want a government strategy that responds to US Inflation Reduction Act
Savvides will leave JO Hambro to head up the £2.1bn Jupiter UK Special Situations fund
Using FE Fundinfo, Portfolio Adviser identifies five funds for investors who want to minimise downside risk as much as possible
As the company continues bolstering its ranks after hiring Aviva Investors’ Rudling and Newton IM’s Parry
JOHCM welcomes return of new investor flows to £4bn worth of UK equity funds
Jonathan Rudling hired to better understand client requirements across UK, Europe and Asia
Head of sustainable investing will reunite with ex-Hermes colleague Tim Crockford
JO Hambro UK Profit Index shows strong bounce back in profits in 2021 after pandemic wiped £349bn off revenues
Alexandra Altinger discusses daring to be different, data strategy, a higher standard of corporate culture and turning words into meaningful action
JOHCM UK Opportunities manager thinks political risk has become investors’ biggest headache