Environmental ‘pioneer’ Ian Simm on life before ESG
Impax AM founder and CEO discusses trust, private markets and investing to solve environmental problems long before the acronym was born
Impax AM founder and CEO discusses trust, private markets and investing to solve environmental problems long before the acronym was born
Earth Day 2019 sharpens spotlight on habitat destruction, deforestation and other causes of extinction
Investors were bracing for the worst when the Swiss Re Cat Bond Index plummeted 15% in the wake of hurricane Irma. But the unprecedented damage caused could actually be a blessing in disguise for the asset class.
Green technology may drive policy after the upcoming climate conference, which could create investment opportunities, according to manager of Jupiter Green Charles Thomas.
Amundi is targeting carbon footprint-conscious investors with the launch of three low-emissions investment vehicles.
As China goes through its shift of emphasis to a new-look, domestic-focused economy, clean energy is emerging as a theme within its government’s push to a ‘Beautiful China’. But how good is this for investors?