Morningstar adds Robeco and Pictet funds to Sustainable Prospects list
DPAM B Equities Europe Small Caps Sustainable also inducted to the list
DPAM B Equities Europe Small Caps Sustainable also inducted to the list
Fundsmith Equity falls to fifth place
After a second set of manager changes in less than three years
A review wasn’t due until Q4 but torrid market conditions pushed it to move sooner
Taking the number of ESG strategies on the 71-strong Wealth Shortlist to six
Global equity and income trust funds were among 17 casualties
D2C platform says its time for rated funds lists to evolve
Platform’s head of funds sees opportunities for a wider investment universe under Stephen Baines
‘We are unable to endorse a strategy that has not been able to deliver due to stock selection’
12 new entrants to Wealth Shortlist do not offer discounts
‘How would your average punter differentiate between four balanced funds?’
Lindsell Train UK Equity remains on Super 60 buy list after formal review