syz and co develops new cta based proposition

Syz & Co has combined managed futures strategies with an active management style to develop a new proposition aimed at institutional investors.

syz and co develops new cta based proposition
1 minute

The Oyster Multi-Manager Tail & Trading proposition is a sub-fund of the firm’s Alternative Funds Sicav. It combines CTA funds that are uncorrelated with other alternative strategies as well as financial markets with funds that follow a strategy of active protection against extreme – or ‘tail’ – risks.

The fund allocates the majority of its assets to CTA funds by combining short-term, medium-term and macro systematic strategies. Its secondary approach is to use an active risk management strategy.

It is available in sterling (as well as dollar, Swiss franc, euro and yen) share classes and invests exclusively in those products on the UBS/Syz & Co designed platform.

The fund invests its assets exclusively in the products based on the managed accounts platform developed through the cooperation between SYZ Asset Management and UBS Investment Bank. Oyster Multi-Manager Tail & Trading offers weekly liquidity and is aimed primarily at institutional investors.