Source targets expansion with big leadership restructure

Source, one of the largest providers of ETFs in Europe, is realigning the responsibilities of its coverage team to keep pace with the fast changing ETF market in Europe.

Source targets expansion with big leadership restructure


The new organisational structure involves creating teams focused on specific countries and different investor groups within each market. This framework is intended to enable Source to grow closer to its investor base and provide a firm foundation for the company to increase its presence on the European continent.

Raising awareness

Peter Thompson, president of Source, said: “Last year, Source launched its largest-ever advertising campaign, focussed on raising investors’ awareness, especially in the UK. The new country head structure will enable us to grow even closer to our investors in key markets and, in so doing, better understand their needs and respond to them more effectively.”

In addition to the new country heads, Source has also established two important new functions to complement and leverage the expertise within the coverage team. 

Stefan Garcia, managing director, becomes the head of market development; while Ludovic Djebali, managing director, takes on responsibility for key account management across Europe, as well as heading the Frabelux (France, Belgium, Luxembourg) region.  

ETF market changing quickly

Thompson said: “The ETF market in Europe is changing at pace, with whole new segments of investors waking up to the benefits of ETFs. We will continue to invest as these markets grow and provide the outstanding service that their investors require and expect.”

The individuals listed below will assume responsibility in their respective countries, while Stefan Garcia will have the responsibility for all other areas of EMEA coverage that Source maintains; including Israel, Iberia, MENA, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands:

  • David Lake, managing director, head of United Kingdom
  • Marco Mautone, managing director, head of Switzerland
  • Sascha Specketer, executive director, head of Germany & Austria
  • Ludovic Djebali, managing director, head of Frabelux
  • Stefano Caleffi, executive director, head of Italy
  • Sjef Pieters, executive director, head of Scandinavia & the Netherlands   

“As our business continues to grow, we recognise the fundamental need and value of being closer to our investors. The new team structure will provide that not only from a geographic coverage and location perspective but also as it relates to different investor segments. We’ve been delighted with the response and impact the opening of our Zurich office had last year, and we hope to build on that successful model,” said Thompson.