Six reasons to remain bullish on healthcare

The healthcare sector is immersed in an “unprecedented period of structural change” which is a reflection of shifting dynamics and technologies throughout the world. But rather than being a cause for concern, Stenham Asset Management gives reasons why we should be optimistic about healthcare funds

Six reasons to remain bullish on healthcare
1 minute
“It’s one of the rare sectors to display defensive qualities alongside growth opportunities,” said Dominique Montier, lead manager of the Stenham Healthcare Fund.
He said healthcare is benefiting from “very interesting” shorter-term trends together with “attractive long-term tailwinds”, evident in the strong performance of healthcare stocks over the past two years.
Despite the fact that many positive trends are in their early stages, Montier said valuations remain “relatively undemanding”, which has given him reason to believe there are positive short and long-term prospects for the healthcare sector.

Click here to see six reasons why Stenham think we should remain bullish about the healthcare sector