pa analysis: don’t confuse trading for investing

The BBC interview earlier this week with Alessio Rastani was a great example of the views of a trader being totally at odds with the views of an investor.

pa analysis: don't confuse trading for investing


“Markets are ruled by fear. Institutional investors don’t buy the rescue plan. The market is toast, the stock market is finished.”

“I don’t really care how governments are going to fix the economy; our job is to make money from it.”

“Personally I have been dreaming of this moment for three years. I have a confession that is I go to bed dreaming if another recession, of another moment like this.”

“In less than 12 months the savings of millions will vanish and this is just the beginning. Be prepared and act now. The biggest risk people can take right now is not acting.”

They are all brilliant soundbites, but not quite as good as his parting comment:

“This is not a time right now for wishful thinking that governments are going to sort it out. Governments do not rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world.”

A lot of fuss has been made about his comments but then he is a trader. They are exactly the kinds of comment that you should expect to hear from a trader. If an investor, on the other hand, made the same comments they would and should be locked up.

Rastani made some very brash statements but he has admitted he is an attention seeker so his comments above and those about the euro being about to crash, and the savings of millions about to vanish, should be taken with a large pinch of salt.

He was brutally candid and overly honest though an unasked question is why he rather than an investor/investment manager/strategist was being interviewed by the BBC in the first place.