Fund buyers say ‘about time’ as Matthews Asia cuts expensive OCFs
‘We had fed back to them previously that they were unusable unless they changed their approach’
‘We had fed back to them previously that they were unusable unless they changed their approach’
Harcus Parker has previously enjoyed success pursuing Capita over the collapse of the Arch Cru funds
Six funds will be launched exclusively for the private bank
SDL investment trust was on track to hit £100m target before offers started getting pulled
AG Barr shares have been on a downward slide since July 2019
Jupiter had given the bond fund manager the cold shoulder during its acquisition of Merian
Blackrock Emerging Europe was wound up two years ago on shareholder vote
Cash position of 20% touted as minimum level needed for suspensions to be lifted
Campbell Fleming and Jill Jackson have joined forces with Big Issue Group and 11 asset managers
Firm is also introducing a performance target to its MAF range
Smith & Williamson among the few DFMs already offering trusts in their MPS
Fund had struggled to grow assets despite outperforming £ strategic bond fund peers