I shares launches first currency hedged bond et fs

iShares has launched two currency-hedged fixed income ETFs, the first of their type from the provider, as it continues to develop its fixed income range.

I shares launches first currency hedged bond et fs


The iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond GBP Hedged Ucits ETF and the iShares Global Corporate Bond EUR Hedged Ucits are both Ucits structured. 

They offer investors access to global bond exposures while reducing the risk of currency fluctuations in a single trade.

Stephen Cohen, head of investment strategy at iShares EMEA, said: “We’re seeing a long-term trend for investors to diversify their fixed income allocations globally while at the same time there has been a heightened volatility in FX markets. These factors are creating demand for simple and effective currency hedged solutions and we’ve designed these funds with this client in mind.”

Another recent addition to the firm’s range was a European financials vehicle.