
  • Beware the investment bandwagon

    Beware the investment bandwagon

    The bandwagon, while powerful, often result in an over-simplification of complexity and the erasure of nuances, in effect commoditising ideas argues Jan Dehn.

  • Currency swings are the hidden danger for managers

    Currency swings are the hidden danger for managers

    The geopolitical and economic volatility being seen around the world means, now more than ever, investors strategies and tactical asset allocations are vulnerable

  • SLI mulling shift from US equities to EM

    SLI mulling shift from US equities to EM

    Standard Life Investments next shift in its tactical asset allocation is likely to be a cut in its US equities weighting in favour of an increase in its emerging markets allocation

  • Tullett Prebon confirms departure of CEO

    Tullett Prebon confirms departure of CEO

    Tullett Prebon and Fundsmith have confirmed press speculation Smith will step down as CEO of the interdealer broker once a successor is found.

  • Five fund groups you may never have heard of

    Five fund groups you may never have heard of

    To take advantage of natural disasters or buy bonds that think they are equities, have a look at these fund groups that do something a little bit different - but you will not come across unless you move away from the tried and tested houses that dominate most UK clients' portfolios today...

  • Equity income holds firm in the face of Woodford

    Equity income holds firm in the face of Woodford

    Low rates, fund launches and the inexorable drive for yield have focused investor attention on income funds, but do they stand up to the scrutiny?

  • Long term investors should be thinking

    Long term investors should be thinking

    According to BlackRocks Desmond Cheung, while farming is one of the oldest industries in human history, it is rejuvenating and presents a number of opportunities.

  • GLG brings in Powe to bolster European equity team

    GLG brings in Powe to bolster European equity team

    GLG has hired Rory Powe as a portfolio manager within its European equity team.

  • Martin Currie plans to exclude Japan Australasia

    Martin Currie plans to exclude Japan Australasia

    Martin Currie proposing to change the geographical focus of its Pacific Trust

  • Mega caps the answer to volatility AXA says

    Mega caps the answer to volatility AXA says

    Mega caps key over the coming months according to AXA Investment Managers

  • US manufacturing renaissance

    US manufacturing renaissance

    According to a number of US fund managers, the re-emergence of US industry could provide US equities with a long lasting tailwind.

  • jp morgan launches global allocation fund

    jp morgan launches global allocation fund

    Initially launched in the US three years ago, the fund is now available in the UK.