Global Smaller Companies Fund

The fund aims to provide long term growth by investing predominantly in the shares of smaller companies listed on the global stock markets.

Global Smaller Companies Fund
3 minutes

Global Smaller Companies Fund

The fund typically holds a concentrated portfolio of stocks and is actively managed by our investment team, who will select stocks to try to take advantage of opportunities they have identified. Due to the nature of the companies in which the fund invests, investors must be willing to accept a relatively high degree of stock specific risk.

The value of investments within the Fund can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed – you may get back less than you pay in. The fund may use derivatives for the purpose of efficient portfolio management and to meet its investment objective. The sterling value of overseas assets held in the Fund may rise and fall as a result of exchange rate fluctuations.









Why this Fund?

  • Diversified opportunity set – Fund managers Harry Nimmo and Alan Rowsell seek to capture the rewards offered by smaller company investing, with the added diversification benefits of access to a global opportunity set of around 6,000 companies. Within this universe, we invest in higher-quality stocks that have the potential to deliver sustainable earnings growth over the longer term. 
  • Proven investment approach – we draw on our extensive stock-picking expertise and proprietary Matrix screening tool to construct the portfolio, allowing us to identify tomorrow’s larger companies today. 
  • Established investment approach – we employ a clear and consistent investment approach, guided by our Focus on Change investment philosophy. Through this, we seek to identify unrecognized change and to exploit this before the market view comes into alignment with our own. Examples might include companies experiencing positive changes in competitive environment, product innovation or technology.
  • Award-winning team – our smaller companies team has won a raft of industry awards including the Outstanding Investor Honour for Harry Nimmo at the Morningstar OBSR Awards 2012 and the UK smaller companies category at the Investment Week, Investment Company of the Year Awards 2012. Harry Nimmo also received the Fund Manager of the Decade award at the Quoted Company 10th anniversary awards in 2014.
  • Risk management – one of the cornerstones of Standard Life Investments’ process is a thorough and quantifiable approach to measuring and managing risk. Risk is monitored on a tripartite basis by portfolio managers, the investment governance team (which includes the risk and investment restrictions control team) and the product governance team.
*Source: Standard Life Investment, as at 31/12/2014

Fund information

Fund performance to end-Sep 2015

Chart, showing Retail Accumulation, powered by data from FE

Fund Managers    Harry Nimmo
Alan Rowsell 
Fund Manager
Start Date
January 2012
Launch Date 19th January 2012
IA Sector IA Global
Benchmark IA Global
Base Currency GBP
Shareclass Unhedged



Fund performance & returns

  01/10/2014 to 30/09/2015 01/10/2013 to 30/09/2014 01/10/2012 to 30/09/2013 01/10/2011 to 30/09/2012 01/10/2010 to 30/09/2011
Fund performance 12.50% -2.69% 28.53% n/a n/a
Sector performance -1.36% 7.87% 18.78% 12.99% -4.90%
  Last 1 month* Last 6 months* Last 1 year* Last 3 years* Last 5 years*
Fund performance -0.88% -4.06% 12.50% 40.70% n/a
Sector performance -3.71% -11.70% -1.36% 26.39% 35.81%
*Values to 30/9/2015    
Note: Past Performance is not a guide to future performance. The price of shares in the fund and the income from them may go down as well as up and cannot be guaranteed; an investor may receive back less than their original investment. For full details of the fund’s objective, policy, investment and borrowing powers and details of the risks investors need to be aware of, please refer to the prospectus. For a full description of those eligible to invest in each share class please refer to the relevant prospectus.