Three funds added to Multi Asset Open

Fidelity has added three new funds to the two already in its Multi Asset Open range.

Three funds added to Multi Asset Open


The Fidelity Multi Open Defensive, Adventurous and World Funds will be managed by the firm’s multi-manager team which is led by James Bateman.

The Multi Asset Open range was recently rebranded as part of a move to better position the products for investor take up. The funds in the range were also re-named, the MultiManager Growth fund became the Multi Asset Open Growth fund, and the MultiManager Balanced fund is now called the Multi Asset Open Strategic fund.

The new Fidelity Multi Open Defensive Fund will allocate 50% of its capital to bonds, 25% to cash, 15% to equities and 5% each to commodities and real estate investment trusts.

The Open Adventurous Fund comprises 75% equities, 15% commodities and 10% Reits, while the Multi Asset Open World fund holds 100% equities.

Ben Waterhouse, head of UK retail sales, said “The changes to the multi asset and multi manager funds are to make them more coherent and easy to understand.

"These changes reflect the ongoing transformation of the advisory market which sees a growth in demand for managed solutions. The multi asset and multi manager funds provide a variety of risk profiled solutions that are designed to meet differing investor requirements.”