Europe and emerging markets-focused iterations of the quality income (QI) range have been made available to investors, as Fidelity continues to invest in smart beta.
The Europe QI ETF will have an ongoing charges figure of 0.3%, while investors in the EM QI ETF will have to pay an OCF of 0.5%. By contrast, the US and Global versions of the quality income ETF have OCFs of 0.3% and 0.4%, respectively.
The funds within Fidelity’s quality income range attempt to identify high quality companies, which have “historically demonstrated good profitability, strong cashflows and consistent dividends”.
Like the existing funds, the latest quality income ETFs will track Fidelity-branded indices.
“Smart beta strategies are growing in popularity as clients seek systematic exposure to an investment strategy or theme,” said Nick King, head of ETFs at Fidelity International.
“After the successful launch of our first smart beta funds in April, I’m pleased we can now offer a full range of Income ETFs including currency hedged share classes to allow clients to accurately implement their regional views. We plan to offer our next product range in the coming months as we look to grow our ETF capabilities.”
In addition to the launch of the smart beta funds, the fund group announced it will also launch new GBP, USD and EUR currency hedged share classes for the existing and new smart beta funds in the quality income suite.
The ETFs will commence trading on the London Stock Exchange and Deutsche Börse on 1 November.