ESG investors pan ‘politicised’ proxy adviser proposals
US investor rights have unravelled under the Trump administration, says Shareholder Rights Group
US investor rights have unravelled under the Trump administration, says Shareholder Rights Group
Protesters take fund group to task for upping Scottish Parliament pension’s investment in fossil fuels
Larry Fink ramps up focus on sustainability in 2020 letter to clients
Shareholder proposal has been filed by £130bn group ahead of the bank’s next AGM
£30bn has flowed into funds rated ‘high’ in Morningstar’s sustainability rating over past three years
Mercy Investment Services presses $7trn asset manager to tidy up its climate change voting record
‘The story of water and waste is as old as the story of civilisation’
LGT Vestra head of sustainable model portfolios mixes business with pleasure for the day job
Shifting consumer perspective is a ‘massive game-changer’
Last year saw a surge in funds repurposing themselves as responsible investments
The ongoing reshaping of the global economic order will mean winners and losers – and thus investment opportunity
Growing fund universe has £6bn in AUM