LGIM and Richmond Wealth partner-up on model portfolios
There will be six options with differing risk profiles
There will be six options with differing risk profiles
Deal reported to be priced at around £250m
Liquidations are part of its plan to merge or close over 100 strategies
The firm made a £9.2m loss across the 12 months as administrative expenses from acquisitions weighed heavily
High interest rates and defensive investors pushed revenues on cash up nearly 1,000%
Recent years have increasingly seen ‘diverging generational attitudes towards wealth management’
The outfit is led by Natalia Rajewska
Aiming to make it easier for clients to protect investments and use tax-free allowances
The high profile investor is reportedly discussing a NYSE listing
The acquisition includes the Asia business but not US-based InvestmentNews
Rica failed to gain from the market rally, but defended its positioning
In a bid to expand its footprint in the north of England