close am announces new discretionary funds

Close Asset Management has launched two new styles of fund that sit within its Discretionary Funds range.

close am announces new discretionary funds
1 minute

The new funds went live on 17 October and sit within the Managed and the Tactical Select Passive styles. They aim to give investors access to direct, active and passive multi-manager propositions. There are now 13 funds within the CDF range.

The new styles are the Managed Funds are Close Managed Diversified Income, Conservative, Balanced and Managed Growth; the new index-tracking Tactical Funds are Close Tactical Select Passive Growth, Passive Balanced and Passive Conservative.

As a comparison, the asset allocations for the Close Managed Balanced Fund and the Tactical Select Passive Balanced Fund are, respectively:

  • UK equities Balanced is 41.7% (Tactical Select Balance is 40.7%)
  • US equities 13.8% (12.3%)
  • European equities 5.4% (5.5%)
  • Asian/EM equities 11.8% (12.8%)
  • UK fixed interest 5.3% (12.2%)
  • International fixed interest 8% (1.8%)
  • Hedge funds 3.4% (3.2%)
  • Gold 8.6% (8.9%)
  • Cash 2% (2.6%)

Nancy Curtin, chief investment officer at Close Asset Management, commented: “Our continued strategy of capital preservation regardless of market conditions should see us well placed to perform irrespective of the measures taken by governments to stabilise the global economy. The Managed and Tactical Select ranges mean that investors now have a wider range of investment styles to maximise their potential returns while controlling risk.”