burvill pattullo barnard new 1bn proposition

Chris Burvill, John Pattullo and Jenna Barnard are to jointly run the Henderson Cautious Managed Fund that has now been merged with the firm’s Managed Distribution Fund.

burvill pattullo barnard new 1bn proposition
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Burvill, currently manager of the £820m Cautious Managed Fund, will be joined by John Pattullo, head of retail fixed income, and Jenna Barnard, a director of retail fixed income, as co-managers of the new £1.1bn fund.

The merger was completed at the end of last week following shareholder approval at which time the firm’s Managed Distribution Fund held £277m in assets.

Simon Hillenbrand, head of UK retail at Henderson, said the decision was taken as both funds sit within the IMA’s Mixed Investment 20-60% Shares sector and share the same investment objective of providing income and long-term capital growth through a diversified portfolio.

“Our stated objective to clients in the ongoing rationalisation of our fund range is to provide greater clarity and focus whilst removing complexity and duplication. Having consulted with clients and shareholders, this merger has met with their approval,” he added.

The Cautious Managed Fund and Chris Burvill were both inherited in Henderson’s acquisition of Gartmore in April 2011, with Burvill running the fund since its launch in 2003. He has been running the Managed Distribution Fund since April last year alongside Pattullo and Barnard.