Brooks Macdonald announces DFM deal with Reeves

Brooks Macdonald Asset Management has formed a strategic alliance with Reeves, giving its clients access to Brooks discretionary services.

Brooks Macdonald announces DFM deal with Reeves
1 minute
Reeves, a major accountancy and financial services firm, will be granted access to Brooks’ bespoke portfolio service, designed for private clients who require an individual investment portfolio constructed and fine tuned to reflect their investment objectives, tax status, attitude to risk and other personal circumstances. 
Reeves clients will also have access to Brooks’ managed portfolio service via the Standard Life Platform. These six actively managed, risk-rated, diversified portfolios invest across the full range of asset classes. 
Andrew Shepherd, joint managing director at Brooks Macdonald Asset Management said: “We have been extremely impressed with Reeves' approach and the way in which they work with clients so are delighted that they have chosen BMAM as an outsourced investment management solution.  
“We are strong believers in the mutual benefits of strategic alliances and the building of strong and trusting relationships with IFA firms and I am confident that we will enhance the service that Reeves offers to their clients. We look forward to a long and mutually advantageous relationship with the Reeves team.”