BNY Mellon launches Multi-Asset Moderate fund

To be run by Newton IM’s Paul Flood

Paul Flood
1 minute

BNY Mellon Investment Management has launched a new multi-asset strategy.

The BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Moderate Fund will be managed by head of mixed assets at Newton IM Paul Flood (pictured), who will be supported by portfolio managers Bhavin Shah and Janice Kim.

The actively-managed fund will have a minimum 30% weighting to fixed income and cash and will benchmark its performance against the Investment Association’s Mixed Investment 20-60% sector.

Flood said: “With higher levels of volatility expected to define markets for the foreseeable future, investors are seeking solutions fit for this ‘new normal’.

“Against this backdrop, bond markets are offering appealing returns to investors looking for diversification within a multi-asset offering.

“The fund adds to our comprehensive range of multi-asset capabilities, reflecting our ability to develop strategies that take account of the regime change we are seeing.”

In February, BNY Mellon launched its Future Legacy multi-asset range designed for the intermediary market, which houses five risk-rated multi-asset funds investing in sustainable firms.

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