The five biggest risks to your portfolio

Equity investors have by and large emerged unscathed from the first quarter, still bonds and commodities have suffered, and there are bigger risks facing portfolios going in to Q2.

The five biggest risks to your portfolio
1 minute

Dollar strength, a number of rate cuts (not rises) across the globe, and continued problems in resource-related economies such as Russia and Brazil have defined asset allocation decisions so far this year. But while these stories continue, there are new risks emerging too.

If Q1 was three months for ‘risk-on’ calls, could Q2 be the time to make those ‘risk-off’ decisions? Certainly, many of the wealth managers we have spoken with lately are expecting volatility to really kick in, not least given the uncertain outcome of the forthcoming UK General Election.

So strap yourself in, and click here to take a ride through the five greatest big picture risks that could damage your portfolio returns in the second quarter.