barclays offers spectrum of clean fee

Barclays has revealed plans for its RDR-ready share classes to be launched ahead of 31 December across its multi-asset passive and active solutions, single asset funds and within its discretionary offerings via platforms.

barclays offers spectrum of clean fee
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The share classes carry typical AMCs ranging from 0.50% to 0.90% and will be offered to intermediaries on GlobalAccess, the firm’s range of single asset funds and GlobalMarkets – its five multi-asset risk-adjusted portfolios.

The highest AMCs will be levied on some of the GlobalAccess funds, which access third-party managers.

Meanwhile, the multi-asset portfolios put together by Barclays using in-house asset allocation and including cost-effective ETFs will carry a typical AMC of 0.50%.

Barclays said it has also partnered with Axa Wealth’s Elevate platform and Ascentric recently to make its discretionary portfolio management service available to advisers.

Oliver Gregson, director, investment management at Barclays, said: “The benefits of investing with one of the leading wealth managers in the UK are increasingly attractive in the fast paced markets of today.

“The opportunity to partner with a leading provider of investment solutions for individuals and access our proprietary approach to portfolio construction and investment selection is one we increasingly see as being recognised by intermediaries.”

Bryan Parkinson, director, intermediary sales at Barclays, said: “We believe we are well positioned for RDR and have ensured that our investment offering is as competitive as possible to the intermediary market.

“As the demand for outsourcing, as well as the desire to build ‘best in class’ client portfolios, increases, we are able to offer intermediaries the full suite of RDR-ready investment solutions.”