Banks boost bond issuance between June and July

Global bond issuance increased 24% between June and July as the total value of new issues for the month hit $220bn.

Banks boost bond issuance between June and July
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Banks led the charge, with US financial institutions issuing 292% more than in the previous month and their European counterparts increasing their issuance by 72%, according to Moody’s Analytics.

Corporate bond issuance increased across the investment grade and high yield space, with “rest of world” registering the largest increase of all regions.

The pace of activity is being attributed to the fall in interest rates following the comments from the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank on QE tapering.

The report said: “The upward move in yields which started in the beginning of this year, has ceased, at least for now, and interest-rate volatility has begun to decline. Bank issuance has been positively correlated with periods of low interest rate volatility, thus with rates coming off it’s not surprising that US banks rushed back into the primary market last month.”

Despite a busy month in July, banks have been accounting for an increasingly smaller proportion of total bond issuance, falling from 60% in 2009 to 29% in June 2013.