axa im launches high conviction global income fund

Axa Investment Managers has launched a high conviction global income fund targeting between 1.5 and 2.5 times the yield of the MSCI AC World index.

axa im launches high conviction global income fund
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The Axa WF Framlington Global High Income Fund, which is managed by Anu Narula, has been designed to “capture opportunities from high quality companies with strong dividend yields and structural growth”.

Axa said the portfolio is globally diversified, with investments in stocks from both developed and emerging markets. Specifically, it invests in high quality, cash generative companies across geographic regions, sectors and market capitalisations. To add additional yield, the manager is also able to implement an option overlay strategy.

The Ucits III compliant, Luxembourg domiciled fund was soft launched on 31 August. It is currently only registered for sale in Luxembourg although Axa IM said it is currently considering registering the product for sale across “a number of countries in Europe”. It has both a retail and institutional share class with a minimum investment for institutional investors of £5m and no minimum for retail investors.

Narula said: “We believe investors can benefit from an active and high conviction approach to stock and sector selection and this is at the heart of the AXA WF Framlington Global High Income.

“Ideal candidates for the Fund are strong companies with a growing, free cash flow with dividend yield from global industries or sub-sectors where there are bottlenecks with a supply and demand mismatch, creating strong growth opportunities.”