stenham reveals two new appointments

Stenham Asset Management has made two new investment team hires with a focus on global macro strategies and operational due diligence, it announced today.

stenham reveals two new appointments


The firm said the appointments demonstrated its ongoing commitment to both the institutional and high net worth markets.

Akshay Krishnan was appointed as senior research analyst with responsibility for global macro strategy across the range of Stenham funds.

His main focus will be to work in the global macro funds of hedge funds, which includes monitoring, identifying and providing detailed analysis of global macro hedge funds.

In addition he will research new investment ideas for recommendation at the advisory committee.

Meanwhile, Rishi Patel has joined the firm as a senior operational due diligence analyst. He will assist in the review of existing and potential new investments from that perspective.

Krishnan has seven years’ investment experience, previously working at SAIL Advisors in Hong Kong, ING Investments and BNP Paribas.

Patel also has seven years of experience, with former roles at Momentum Global Investment Management and Credit Suisse.

Kevin Arenson, chief investment officer at Stenham, said: “We have a very conservative approach to managing our clients’ investments with active strategy allocation, fundamental manager selection and risk management being at the heard of our investment philosophy.

“Our investment process has evolved over the past 20 years to be as much about managing risk as delivering returns. We have a qualitatively driven approach with significant input to our investment decisions from our operational and quantitative teams which ensures there is a robust challenge to our qualitative view.”