Wood-Smith exits Investec Wealth Investment

Jim Wood-Smith has left his role as chief investment strategist at Investec Wealth and Investment, after less than a year in the position.

Wood-Smith exits Investec Wealth Investment
1 minute

Wood-Smith had been head of research and chief investment officer at Williams de Broe which was taken over by Investec in 2011.

He was appointed chief investment strategist at Investec in September last year following the integration of Williams de Broe into the business.

Wood-Smith worked alongside the intermediary services team and was a member of both the global investment strategy group and asset allocation committee.

Production of market commentary was a key part of his role; in March he discussed the lingering sense of fear among the IFA community with Portfolio Adviser.

A spokesperson for the company said his duties would be absorbed by the rest of the 18-strong research team and there were no current plans to replace him.