Walker Crips posts 33 rise in discretionary AUM

Walker Crips reports 33% rise in AUM over the quarter

Walker Crips posts 33 rise in discretionary AUM


At the end of the previous quarter, this figure was £1.15bn and for the same period ending December 2012 AUM was £94m.

The statement, for the three months to 31 December 2013, said the increase was a clear reflection of the company’s strategy and its attraction to income new investment managers, advisers and their clients’ assets.

Net unadjusted revenue was up 6.4% over the period, to £3.47m, compared with £3.26m for the same quarter last year, attributed to higher commission and increased investment management fee income in more favourable market conditions.

Walker Crips said it remained in a strong financial position with more than £10m of net cash on its balance sheet and was still pursuing growth plans – both organically and through suitable acquisitions.

While prevailing trading conditions for the group have improved, uncertainty remained in financial markets.

“Nevertheless, the current quarter has started well and the Board is confident that continued pursuit of its adopted strategy will enable WCG to continue the trend in growth and improved performance of the Group over the medium term,” it said.