vinculum plans us equity fund

Nigel Legge’s new fund management firm Vinculum is planning to launch a US equity fund during 2012.

vinculum plans us equity fund
1 minute

Established by the former co-founder of Liontrust, the fledgling company has already announced the launch of its first fund on 3 January.

This will be the IM Vinculum Global Equity Fund, benchmarked against the MSCI World TR and put together using a number-crunching quants system.

A spokesperson for Vinculum confirmed that a US equity fund was next in the pipeline, but added there was no launch date set.

The firm is hoping to create a whole range of funds using the StockR8 investment process, which has been available only to Danish professional investors and private clients since 2000.

StockR8 identifies, rates and selects only companies of economic quality based on their ability to demonstrate superior financial and earnings strength over time.

The approach is designed to minimise subjectivity in the investment decision process and Vinculum has acquired the exclusive global usage and branding rights for it.