update baillie gifford discounts charges on global income fund

Baillie Gifford is to discount the initial charge (not the annual management charge as previously stated)on its Global Income Fund for six months from 1 November.

update baillie gifford discounts charges on global income fund
1 minute

The discount will come into effect on 1 November for both A and B share classes and will last for six months, to the end of April 2012.

The Baillie Gifford Global Income Fund changed its mandate from purely UK income to a global view in March last year. It is managed by Dominic Neary, and has £19.3m in assets under management.


The initial charge on A-class shares sold through intermediaries will be reduced by up to 5% to retail clients, effectively getting rid of the charge entirely; an initial charge of up to 3% remains for commission-based sales. The initial charge on B-class shares is being waived for both.

James Budden, director of retail marketing and distribution says: “It targets an above-market yield by investing in appropriately sized holdings rather than by setting minimum yield requirements. Currently the fund is yielding 4.6% and our discount will hopefully encourage more investors to take a look.”