
  • Smaller companies for who recovery is starting

    Smaller companies for who recovery is starting

    Richard Bullas discusses his views on how smaller companies valuations fare when compared to the broader UK market as well as, despite being a bottom-up stock-picker, how he sees the medium-term outlook for GDP, inflation, unemployment and interest rates impacting on where he may invest.

  • Avoid hangovers by owning Jack Daniels

    Avoid hangovers by owning Jack Daniels

    “To beat the index you have to be different from it” is the start point for the way Gary Robinson actively runs Baillie Gifford American.

  • Tarring of all reveals opportunities in US financials

    Tarring of all reveals opportunities in US financials

    As a valuation-driven, fundamental, bottom-up stock-picker, Robinson has a clear style with his specific investment ideas varying dependant on where he feels we are in the cycle.

  • Rubin: IS action is ‘pendulum swing’ for US re-engagement

    Rubin: IS action is ‘pendulum swing’ for US re-engagement

    James Rubin, the former assistant secretary state for public affairs under President Clinton, talks Gary Shepherd through the “intense and engaged role” the US has in world affairs, having previously had its self-confidence hit by the “disaster” of the war on terror in Iraq.

  • PA Congress 2014: So what did you miss?

    PA Congress 2014: So what did you miss?

    PA Congress UK 2014 succeeded in its one very simple aim of bringing together some of the most influential fund buyers in the UK with fund managers based here and overseas.

  • Asset allocation, correlation and the danger of consensus

    Asset allocation, correlation and the danger of consensus

    In part two of the interview, Stammers discusses the decline in the positive correlation between bonds and equities, and the need for investors to start thinking for themselves and looks at ways of challenging the growing consensus and putting downside protection in place.

  • The increasingly tricky search for the investment holy grail

    The increasingly tricky search for the investment holy grail

    The reach for yield among investors and the resultant shift upwards in the risk spectrum is something that Portfolio Adviser has been talking about for some time. But, positioning oneself successfully in light of this and still finding value is a tough ask.

  • Warren Hyland

    Warren Hyland

    In the past half a dozen years, emerging markets have moved from a pretty straightforward beta play to a very different and still changing investment universe for both corporate and sovereigns.

  • Tricky market to test manager skill - Woodford

    Tricky market to test manager skill – Woodford

    Neil Woodford of Woodford Investment Management, believes it is highly unlikely that next three to five years will be as profitable for markets as the past three to five years have been.

  • The jury’s still out on UK recovery

    The jury’s still out on UK recovery

    The five year bull market is looking pretty mature and according to Neil Woodford, there is reason to be cautious about the UK’s ability to continue to grow at the sort of rates that a large number of economists are predicting for the next 12 months. The jury is out, I think it is early…

  • My focus is fund management   woodford

    My focus is fund management woodford

    Part of the rationale behind setting up Woodford Investment Management, Neil Woodford says, is to create an entity that allows fund managers to focus on fund management. According to Woodford, while it will be “continuity in a new setting” from a fund management point of view, what he has learned over his years in the…

  • Property as an investment not a talking point

    Property as an investment not a talking point

    Investor demand for income and the relative safety of a real asset has seen property jump up the list of asset classes to consider over the past 12-18 months. Ryan Hughes put his money where his mouth is at the end of last year and took a property allocation. Listen here to his explanation of…