AI: why investors should look beyond the technology sector

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way in which we do business and live our lives. 


Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way in which we do business and live our lives. This change is on the same scale as prior industrial revolutions like the steam engine and electricity. 

The huge surge in interest and excitement around AI is one of the reasons Nvidia was the first semiconductor company to join the club of trillion-dollar companies last year and is now valued at over two trillion dollars. Nvidia is the undisputed winner in commercialising AI and a stock we hold in the J. Stern & Co. World Stars Global Equity Fund. 

Today, AI is most associated with the technology sector but it is creating great investment opportunities across many industries including healthcare, consumer goods and industrials. If we compare AI to the early days of the internet, not all first-generation companies and applications continue to lead the pack. What is important for investors is to realise the scale of the opportunity and understand how AI will benefit individual companies and industries.