Tyndall appoints Theresa Russell as head of distribution

She joins from CG Asset Management having previously worked at GVQ Investment Management and Legal and General

Theresa Russell head of distribution at Tyndall


Independent boutique Tyndall Investment Management has appointed Theresa Russell (pictured) as its head of distribution.

Russell, who was most recently head of sales and marketing at CG Asset Management, will focus on Tyndall’s range of retail funds while also supporting the growth of the company as a whole.

Tyndall chief executive Alex Odd said: “Since we launched five years ago, Tyndall has enjoyed consistent growth in our client base and in assets under management. While we are proud of this achievement, of equal importance to us is preserving a culture which always strives to deliver a combination of exceptional performance and service to our clients. Our team is central to achieving that.

“Theresa’s outstanding history for building awareness of investment brands and thereby driving strong growth stems from her deep appreciation of what sets investment boutiques apart from the asset management mainstream. It is this shared passion for delivering excellence that makes Theresa a natural fit with Tyndall.”

Russell brings over two decades of industry experience to the role, having also served as head of sales and marketing at GVQ Investment Management, which she joined following a spell as senior discretionary investment sales manager at Legal and General.

Russell said: “I firmly believe that investors are best served by an unswerving focus on achieving strong returns through active management, underlined by personal accountability and supported by bespoke attention. These are attributes which are best delivered by investment boutiques and they run through the very fabric of Tyndall. I very much look forward to bringing Tyndall’s excellent reputation to a wider group of clients and playing a role in the company’s continued success.”

The Westminster-based independent investment management company, founded in 2017, won the rising star award at the Portfolio Adviser Wealth Partnership Awards in 2021.