Troy Trojan joins M&G Recovery in Chelsea ‘DropZone’

Sebastian Lyon, Tom Dobell and Mark Mobius are among the names humbled in Chelsea Financial Services’ latest DropZone of the worst-performing funds over the past three years.

Troy Trojan joins M&G Recovery in Chelsea ‘DropZone’


“He is convinced a market slump is imminent, however, and the portfolio is positioned to cushion against this occurrence. I wouldn’t write the fund off just yet – the manager has an outstanding long-term record and may yet be proved right – but it’s one to monitor closely.”

There are 143 funds in the latest Chelsea RedZone of the worst-performers over the past three discrete years, with total assets in excess of £48.5bn.

The IA UK All Companies sector was host to more than half of the worst culprits, while £20bn of the asset total was in passive funds.