M and G Tomlins High Yield Corporate Bond Fund

James Tomlins is to co-manage M&Gs £1.3bn High Yield Corporate Bond Fund.

M and G Tomlins High Yield Corporate Bond Fund
1 minute
Tomlins is joining Stefan Isaacs, who has been the manager of the M&G High Yield Corporate Bond Fund since October 2010 and also manages the M&G European Corporate Bond fund since April 2007.
Both will focus on proprietary research, rather than external research, leaning heavily on the firm's own credit research teams based in both London and Chicago. This is to ensure credit risk is constantly monitored and well diversified. 
“The M&G High Yield Corporate Bond Fund has evolved into a global proposition, requiring greater investment resource to cover the larger investable universe. James will largely be responsible for bottom-up stock selection, while Stefan will largely be responsible for duration strategy and regional asset allocation,” Jim Leaviss, head of retail fixed interest at M&G Investments, said.
Tomlins has been at M&G since 2011, when he joined the firm’s retail fixed interest team as a fund manager.