Wealth Management

  • st james place climbs ranks

    st james place climbs ranks

    Shares in St James’s Place have become the fifth most popular stock to buy among UK equity fund managers in the past month, compared with a position of 14th over the past year, as the wealth manager goes from strength to strength.

  • Sedulo launches wealth management service

    Sedulo launches wealth management service

    Accountancy firm Sedulo has launched a wealth management arm offering holistic financial advice, bucking the recent trend of accountancy firms exiting the advice market following the implementation of RDR.

  • Deutsche expands UHNW team

    Deutsche expands UHNW team

    Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management has recruited Vinit Sahni to its London office to expand its offering for ultra-high-net-worth clients.

  • Two senior appointments at ACPI

    Two senior appointments at ACPI

    Wealth manager ACPI has made two senior appointments as it looks to develop its core private client and fixed income offerings.

  • new kids on the block

    new kids on the block

    New kids on the block they may be, but founders of London Wall Partners Nick Fletcher and Jeremy Beckwith have big ideas for their fledgling business in the City, believing they are best placed to give clients what they need post-RDR.

  • sgpb hambros expands uk private banking team

    sgpb hambros expands uk private banking team

    Société Générale Private Banking Hambros has made three new hires to expand its UK private banking and wealth management business.

  • rothschild names new head of uk wealth management

    rothschild names new head of uk wealth management

    Rothschild names its new head of UK wealth managament as part of an internal management restructure.

  • spread betting is irresponsible wealth management

    spread betting is irresponsible wealth management

    A supplement in one of the Sunday papers included articles on ‘wealth management’ and ‘spread betting’ under the same ‘smart investing’ heading, something that can only set the wealth management industry back in the eyes of its readers.

  • how healthy is the wealth manager model

    how healthy is the wealth manager model

    Barclays is looking to expand its business in the sector, Brewin Dolphin has beefed up its London office, and Quilter has pledged not to make any job cuts or office closures. From where we’re sitting it all sounds fairly positive in the world of wealth management.

  • wealth managers 2trn private client assets

    wealth managers 2trn private client assets

    According to research from Scorpio Partnership, the wealth management industry is responsible for 9% of the wealth of the UK population.

  • ashcourt rowan in cash call as it reports losses

    ashcourt rowan in cash call as it reports losses

    Ashcourt Rowan has announced a share placing to raise £8.5m in a bid to cut its cost base and pull the firm back into the black.

  • PA ANALYSIS: RDR will need bigger brand awareness from wealth managers

    Wealth managers need to build softer skills such as brand-building and communication as RDR looms.