Four views: Mapping the frontier
Portfolio Adviser asks this month’s panel for their outlook on investing in frontier markets
Portfolio Adviser asks this month’s panel for their outlook on investing in frontier markets
Manager of the VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity fund
Asian equity funds may now lose the headwind of China, and gain the tailwind of the technology cycle
Emerging market growth is becoming increasingly dependent on fundamentals
The manager discusses why deglobalisation and the dwindling dominance of China will help spread opportunity and growth to other EM economies
Relations between China and the US remain strained
Fund manager discusses emerging market opportunities in India, Vietnam, and Georgia
Could one of Asia’s fastest growing economies be due an upgrade from its frontier-market status?
While most emerging markets funds are now largely fixated on China and India, Emily Fletcher and the BlackRock Frontiers team aim to dig out ‘nuggets of growth’ in complex yet fast-growing countries
The sector has investors scratching their heads. Is it better to sit it out or are valuations an opportunity not to be missed?