Kames Capital takes Carolyn Bell on board
Kames Capital takes Carolyn Bell on board for North America equities team.
Kames Capital takes Carolyn Bell on board for North America equities team.
Despite underperforming the past two years, all hope is not lost: energy investments could play out favourably for those willing to risk it.
Private equity buyout firms have had their strongest year of deal making since before the global financial crisis.
Schroders Joanna Shatney said the biggest threat facing her next year was that of an external monetary policy mistake, with the proximity and importance of the election in Q3 likely to dampen the threat of any domestic political manoeuvring.
Catalysts for a further re-rating of stocks above their long-term average are few and far between, but despite this, investor appetite remains high, writes Tim Short, Chief Risk Officer at City Financial.
Robert Siddles joins Jupiter with a stellar reputation in US investing, but his continued success will depend upon a prolonged small cap rally, and how his new employer utilises his talents.
It's clear Janet Yellen faces challenges ahead at the Fed, on a personal level as well as professional one with commentators already looking to get a handle on who she is and what she stands for, and getting the nicknames ready.
Aviva Investors is soft closing its US Equity Income Fund in early October in order to protect performance as UK investors have poured money into the vehicle in the past year.
US-income specialist Cullen Capital Management is to launch US Enhanced Equity Income Fund, an equity vehicle with a covered call option overlay designed to offer a bond-like volatility profile.
Jupiter’s Merlin multi-manager team, led by John Chatfeild-Roberts, remains bullish on the US economy, believing it is “set to shine for some time to come”.
Apple’s record bond auction to fund its promise of returning $100bn to shareholders through buybacks and increased dividends shows purpose from the management, but is yet to convince US equity fund managers.
A US equity fund that has held fewer than 100 companies over a quarter-century and has an annualised return of 14.2% since 1989, has just become available to UK DFMs and wealth managers, so what is the snag?