Philip Rodrigs’ Raynar Portfolio Management to launch UK small cap Ucits fund
Available to investors on 1 July
Available to investors on 1 July
Small-cap managers claim lifting the 0.5% tax – from which AIM shares are already exempt – could be a vital step towards kickstarting the UK’s ailing stockmarket
‘The UK market finally appears to be garnering attention’
The CIO and head of fund management says lack of institutional exposure to UK equities ‘beggars belief’
US equities experience £1.5bn in inflows for first three months of 2024
It aims to deliver high levels of income by investing in UK smaller companies
Alexander Game will join the firm from Unicorn Asset Management in May
Sarasin & Partners portfolio manager and UK equity analyst discusses value of small caps
Having raised their dividend for at least 20 consecutive years
Andrew Chapman retired following the trust’s AGM, to be succeeded by John Blowers
The host of headwinds battering UK smaller companies has prompted a crisis of faith among investors. Is the sector down and out or on the cusp of a supercycle?
QCA calls for reforms ahead of Autumn Statement, with 100 companies scrapping their UK listings in the last year alone