Standard Life Investments

  • EM declines could weigh on Aberdeen SLI Moore

    EM declines could weigh on Aberdeen SLI Moore

    SLI UK equity income trust manager wins through easyjet dividend policy while voicing concerns that emerging market declines could weigh on Aberdeen.

  • SL annuity sales down 50pc due to Budget

    SL annuity sales down 50pc due to Budget

    Drastic Budget announcements have led to a 50% drop in annuity sales, Standard Life said in its first quarter results.

  • Head-to-head


    The £20bn Standard Life GARS Fund and £2.7bn Ignis Absolute Return Global Bond Fund are two of the largest and sophisticated products in the retail space, but what is it that makes them work, who runs them, and in which market conditions will they perform best and worst?

  • Ignis thanks AR Govt Bond for record new assets

    Ignis thanks AR Govt Bond for record new assets

    Ignis posted an operating profit of £49m, a 14% hike on 2012 as Phoenix Group announces its divestment to Standard Life Investments.

  • Standard Life Investments buys Ignis for 390m

    Standard Life Investments buys Ignis for 390m

    Standard Life Investments spots £50m of cost savings through Ignis purchase but areas for job cuts are not yet identified.

  • The writing was on the wall for Ignis

    The writing was on the wall for Ignis

    With an estimated value of £400m on 12.5x earnings, will Ignis prove to be a bargain buy for Standard Life?

  • Standard Life to bid for Ignis

    Standard Life to bid for Ignis

    Standard Life has confirmed it is in exclusive discussions with Phoenix Group to table a bid for Ignis Asset Management.

  • SLI profit up 32pc and prep for Scot exit

    SLI profit up 32pc and prep for Scot exit

    Standard Life Investments has reported a 66% rise in third party net inflows of £10bn, taking the total assets under management to £184.1bn.

  • SLI on Abe misdiagnosis of Japan ills

    SLI on Abe misdiagnosis of Japan ills

    SLI said export numbers suggest Abe's government must go further with structural reform

  • SLI tops net retail sales for 2013

    SLI tops net retail sales for 2013

    The annual Pridham Report selects Standard Life as winning fund group 2013 as measured by net retail sales.

  • Video Interview with Mikael Zverev

    Video Interview with Mikael Zverev

    Standard Life Investments’ Mikhail Zverev on great European stocks, the future of Google and the importance of data analytics

  • Small cap stars continue to back web wonders

    Small cap stars continue to back web wonders

    Technology-related themes are particularly prevalent in the small cap space currently, with M&A and continued growth in online retailing particular buoys to the sector.