
  • a coherent argument against qe

    a coherent argument against qe

    Robert Farago questions the effectiveness of quantitative easing in the current economic climate, citing other Fed bankers and OECD economists' arguments, before looking at what this all means for his asset allocation.

  • investec adds schroders spinks to multi asset

    investec adds schroders spinks to multi asset

    Michael Spinks has left Schroders to join Investec Asset Management’s global multi-asset team.

  • ajewole and blank step up schroders

    ajewole and blank step up schroders

    Mike Spinks is to depart Schroders multi-asset team to pursue opportunities elsewhere, leaving Remi Ajewole and Martin Blank to step into the breach on his co-managed Schroder Diversified Growth and Schroder Diversified Completion funds.

  • schroders aum edge up towards the 200bn mark

    schroders aum edge up towards the 200bn mark

    Schroders’ first half of 2012 results showed its AUM move up from where they were at the end of last year, to £195bn.

  • schroder euro corporate bond fund

    schroder euro corporate bond fund

    Morningstar OBSR has moved the Schroder ISF Euro Corporate Bond Fund rating to “under review” following the announcement Adam Cordery is to leave the firm.

  • schroders unveils trio of emd funds

    schroders unveils trio of emd funds

    Schroders has for the first time launched a relative return retail proposition in the EMD sector, with a fund focused on local sovereign credit, one on hard currency corporate bonds and one offering a blend of both.

  • buxtons ten years at the top

    buxtons ten years at the top

    To be the star man in an investment house as big as Schroders means you must be pretty special and Richard Buxton, manager of the Schroder UK Alpha Plus Fund, has shown his star quality in spades over the past decade.

  • schroders recruits head of pan european property

    schroders recruits head of pan european property

    Tony Smedley has been recruited by Schroders to run its pan-European property team.

  • signals telling us it is right to panic schroders

    signals telling us it is right to panic schroders

    Schroders Private Banking’s head of asset allocation sees oversold markets and a number of indicators saying it is right to panic. He asks if these same signs point to a rapid rebound or faster-paced downturn.

  • schroders secure distribution fund July

    schroders secure distribution fund July

    Schroders’ new Secure Distribution splits a 20-year investment term into a distinct ten-year accumulation phase followed by a ten-year capital payment phase.

  • Momentum strategies benefit from lack of liquidity

    Momentum strategies benefit from lack of liquidity

    Jonathan Smith uses historical analysis as well as up-to-date investment thinking to explain how momentum strategies benefit investors in times of low liquidity and weak growth. Sound a familiar environment, anyone?

  • schroders nears 200bn in aum

    schroders nears 200bn in aum

    Inflows of £1.6bn in the first quarter took total AUM at Schroders to £199.6bn, with the biggest vote of confidence in the firm’s offering coming from institutional investors.