Ruffer raises less than a quarter of the £170m it was seeking from share issue
Investment trust board remains confident in investment philosophy targeting steady, positive annual returns in all conditions
Investment trust board remains confident in investment philosophy targeting steady, positive annual returns in all conditions
Jonathan Ruffer halved his stake in the investment trust several weeks ago
Gold, energy companies and inflation-linked bonds push the trust’s shares up 5% in October
Proceeds from sale will be used to fund charitable initiatives
Vaughan makes ‘difficult decision’ to move on after 16 years at Jonathan Ruffer’s eponymous boutique
Ruffer chairman tells investors to expect markets to grind slower against a backdrop of global indebtedness
Boosting its UK asset management presence with three new hires
LF Ruffer Diversified Return fund is to address risk of falling bond and equity prices
Asset manager defended its holding in the cryptocurrency as a portfolio hedge in January
‘Think of bitcoin’s bad reputation as a risk premium’
‘These changes reflect the continuing development of Ruffer from one that is founder-led, to one that is team-led’
But managers confident €750bn EU bazooka is changing sentiment on cyclical names