Consumer Duty impacts active-passive debate
Seven investment experts set out their thoughts on the outlook for passive investing, fixed income, India and more
Seven investment experts set out their thoughts on the outlook for passive investing, fixed income, India and more
The BoE’s Financial Stability Report warns that market-based finance sector remains ‘vulnerable’
High levels of inflation are ‘not insurmountable’ amid ‘resilient’ UK economy
Regulator warned that firms lack arrangements to combat market-wide redemptions
The new requirements will come into effect on 31 July
Relating to one of the group’s capital markets businesses
Mark Powell of JM Finn on the sector’s increasing professionalism, the impact of Consumer Duty and the perennial tussle between income generation and capital growth
As Treasury also unveils a call for evidence on the regulation
Atomos’ head of investments on the positive regulation and how the industry can be a force for good
But industry welcomes new disclosures as a way of substantiating providers’ sustainability claims
‘The current rules make it very difficult for consumers to get the information they need’
‘Detrimental’ regulation abolished as part of chancellor’s Edinburgh reforms